Agro-Economic Research Centre Cooperative Mutual Benefit Fund is a thrift Society serving for last 52 years to the members. All the employees of the AERC and CCS (Cost of Cultivation Scheme) are the members of the society. Since its’ inception in 1968, the society has been providing loans @ 8% per annum to the members. There are provisions of offering Educational Incentives, Financial Aid and medical relief to the member as per By-laws of the society.


Office Premises

The centre since its establishment in 1960 is housed within the Assam Agricultural University campus. The area of the campus is about 1467 sq. meters of which the office building occupies 635 sq. meters.



The Centre has a full-fledged Library with all modern facilities to cater to the needs of the research staff, students of the University and other visitors. The reading materials include reference books, journals, periodicals, back volumes and many other important publications by the Ministry and other AER Centres/Units across the country. Both national and regional News papers are subscribed for the benefits of users and are maintained systematically in the reading room. A part of the library services has been made fully automated by installation of server and library management software and the users can access the required information through Web OPAC. Quite a number of study reports are also available online.


Journals Subscribed

1) Agricultural Economics Research Review(AERR)
2) Indian Journal of Agricultural Research.
3) Agriculture
4) Down to Earth.
5) Indian Journal of Marketing.
6) Economic & Political weekly.
7) Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics.
8) Arthashastra: Indian Journal of Economics & Research.


News Papers Subscribed

1) The Economic Times
2) The Dainik Janambhumi (Assamese Local Daily)


Gift Journals

Agricultural Situation in India


LAN Facilities

The centre is well connected with internet through LAN and all the staff members have the access to Net through desktop & laptop computers provided to them. All relevent information pertaining to the Centre can be accessed at