Message from Hon'ble Director, AERC for N. E. India, Jorhat

The Agro-Economic Research Centre for NE India was established in February, 1960 at the Assam Agricultural University under the aegis of the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Govt. of India. The jurisdiction of the Centre extends entire North Eastern Region, covering an area of 2.55 lakh km2. The centre has completed 61 glorious years of its journey marked by both achievements and challenges. During this period, it has successfully completed as many as 182 Studies & Surveys/Resurveys under the directives of the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, primarily focusing on the changing rural economy of the States under its jurisdiction and impact studies of the Government-sponsored flagship programmes from time to time. Of these, as many as 15 studies covered entire NE Region, 142 studies were conducted in the State of Assam, 4 each in Manipur and Nagaland, 2 in Mizoram and 5 each in the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Tripura. The Studies cover 16 Village Surveys (Assam 10, Arunachal Pradesh 4, Manipur & Tripura 1 each) and 12 Village Re-surveys (Assam 10, Manipur and Meghalaya 1 each). The focus of the research efforts in the initial stage was on comprehensive village surveys and resurveys in order to understand the process and direction of change at village level. Subsequently, the emphasis of research has shifted to problems oriented and impact studies of different ongoing and completed development projects. Besides fulfilling the mandates given by the Ministry, the Centre is also engaging itself in undertaking the studies of regional interest, associating with the Government of different NE States in R&D activities, giving feedback/support to different stakeholders, meeting Parliamentary and Assembly queries and providing 15 Agricultural Indicators of all seven States of the region to NITI Aayog on quarterly basis.

The Centre has emerged as a strong policy feedback Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare, Government of India during these years. Considering the diversity in socio-economic and agro climatic situations of the entire North East India, we have many things to do and it will be constant effort to contribute, whatever way possible for the betterment of the region and its people in terms of research output, academics and policy support.


Prof. Anup Kumar Das
Director, AERC for NE India
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat